who are we
Tatveal is the online sales brand of a wholesale food company based in Austria that has four separate brands. At Tatveal, which operates within our limited company (GMBH), the monetary transactions of our customers are also guaranteed by PayPal, an international brand. Both our limited company and Tatveal are accredited by world brands. Tatveal, the internet face of a multi-partner family company, has 20 years of food industry experience behind it.
Our company makes hot sales in eight sales centers that belong to us, including our online portals. On the other hand, since we also offer wholesale services to hundreds of large and small companies in Europe; Our products are returned very quickly and reach our customers fresh without waiting. Just as we work with many companies in the sector, we also offer all our knowledge in terms of wholesale goods supply, store design and experience sharing to new entrepreneurs who are considering entering the sector. Those who need products on this subject or have predictions and investment intentions about this sector can contact us.
As Tatveal, we try to do our job as perfectly as possible. We never send a product to our valued customers if we are not convinced of its quality and safety. The main goal of our brand is to offer everything that is sought but cannot be found in the market. We hope not to embarrass anyone in any way on this long-term and permanent journey.
As Tatveal, working with a team that is idealistic and truly aims to always do better; We would like to thank all our sincere customers who tell us, recommend us and motivate us.